분명히 28일날 확인했을 때에도 없었는데, 어느덧 등장한 4.2.8 버전이다.

재미있는 내용 중 하나.... [ •3D support: fix Battlefield 1942 game crashes (bug #11369) ]
배틀필드 게임과 충돌 발생하는 것을 고쳤단다... ^^

•VMM: fixed guest crash with huge amount of guest RAM on VT-x hosts (bug #11306)
•GUI: fixed a layout bug in the Mac OS X clone VM dialog (bug #10982)
•GUI: not all the translation tags were taken into account during the language switch (bug #11342)
•GUI: take guest screenshot dialog sometimes had no keyboard input available on Windows host
•Main/Machine: fix generation of spurious event for inaccessible VMs which triggered an endless event generation loop in cooperation with the GUI which became unresponsive (4.2.6 regression, bug #11323)
•Main/Display: fix for an access violation under certain conditions in multi-monitor configurations (bug #10539)
•Main/Metrics: network metrics are now collected for active (up) interfaces only, the state of an interface being evaluated when the associated metric is enabled via setupMetrics
•Snapshots: reduce the time for merging snapshots under certain conditions
•Storage: fixed data corruption after resizing a VDI image under certain circumstances (bug #11344)
•Storage: fixed non working online merging of snapshots (4.2.6 regression, bug #11359)
•Storage: fixed crash when connecting to certain QNAP iSCSI targets
•Storage: fixed incompatibility of VHD differencing images with Hyper-V (bug #5990)
•Bridged Networking: fixed TCP pseudo header checksum computation for IPv6 (bug #9380)
•3D support: fix Battlefield 1942 game crashes (bug #11369)
•Settings: really sanitize the name of VM folders and settings file, the code was disabled before (bug #10549)
•Settings: allow to change VRDE settings for saved VMs
•VBoxManage: don't crash during screenshotpng if there is no display (bug #11363)
•Linux hosts: work around gcc bug 55940 which might lead to wrong kernel module code if gcc 4.7 is used to compile the 32-bit Linux host kernel (bug #11035)
•Linux hosts: fixed inconsistent lock state and deadlock warnings on module load and VM startup when CONFIG_PROVE_LOCKING is enabled (bug #11318)
•Linux hosts: made "]" key work again on Japanese keyboards
•Mac OS X hosts: don't crash the kernel during dtrace if the VBox kernel extensions are loaded (10.6 hosts only; bug #11273)
•Solaris / Mac OS X hosts: machine CPU load metrics now report 100% when all cores are fully utilized (used to be a single core)
•Solaris 11 host installer: wait for any services left over from a previous installation to be terminated to avoid confusing SMF.
•Guest Additions: don't block signals for processes executed via guest control
•Guest Additions: fixed a small memory leak in VBoxService (bug #10970)
•Windows Additions: fixed shared folder issue with large reads/writes on 64 bit Windows guests (bug #11115)
•Linux Additions: Linux 3.8 compile fixes (bug #11036)
•X11 Additions: fixed blocked SIGALRM in 3D desktop sessions (bug #10987)
•X11 Additions: fixed an unresolved reference in vboxvideo_drv for X.org 6.8 guests and before (e.g. RHEL4; 4.2.0 regression)
•X11 Additions: fixed screen automatic resizing for guests with X.org 1.3 or older (4.2.0 regression)

뭔가 많이 고쳤고, 나랑 관련있는 부분도 많을텐데.... 마땅히 확 와닿는 부분은 안보인다....

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