오늘 간만에 VBox를 실행했더니 업데이트를 하란다.

Oracle에 끌려간 후 살짝 걱정했는데,
일단 업데이트는 꾸준히 잘해주는 것 같다.

이번 버전에서 고쳐지거나 추가된 것은 아래와 같단다.

   - VRDP: fixed screen corruption
   - NAT: the interface stopped working after a lot of failed ICMP requests (bug #9371)
   - E1000: fixed rare Windows 7 guest hangs, either at boot time or when reconfiguring the network card in unusual setups (bug #6223)
   - ATA: fixed a possible crash during ATAPI passthrough with certain guests
   - ATA: improved compatibility with ancient Linux kernels
   - Main: fixed incorrect framebuffer information after leaving the fullscreen mode with X11 guests, this lead to a scrambled preview window in the GUI for example
   - Mac OS X hosts: fixed the problem with duplicate packets when bridged to a wireless interface (bug #9648)
   - Linux hosts: fix for 3D support on Fedora 15 (bug #9799)
   - Linux hosts: don't call del_timer_sync from an interrupt context (Fedora bug report 746331)
   - Windows Vista and 7 guests: more WDDM fixes
   - Linux Additions: fixed kernel module compilation failure on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 (bug #9709)
   - Linux Additions: install the DRI driver correctly on Ubuntu 11.10 guests
   - Solaris Additions: added read-only mmap support for shared folders
   - Solaris Additions: added directory, file mode and mask options for shared folders
   - Windows Additions: implemented faster detection of logged-in guest users and stale sessions
   - X.Org Additions: fixed graphical corruption when switching to a virtual terminal (bug #9490)

내가 관심 있는 부분은
   - Linux Additions: install the DRI driver correctly on Ubuntu 11.10 guests

DRI가 무엇인지 알아보니 "Direct Rendering Interface"인 것 같다.
얼마전 Ubuntu 11.10을 설치했었는데, 화면이 조금 이상한 경우가 있던데 이 때문이었나 싶다.

계속 발전하는 VirtualBox~ 영원히 Free하게 나의 곁에 머무르길... ^^


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